You probably think that gray is a dull and emotionless color, or better said, absence of color. Nevertheless, this is not entirely true. This intermediate shade between black and white can convey feelings such as balance, compromise, seriousness, calm and strength. Therefore, gray features in your resume can play in your favor. So enjoy our wonderful selection of CV templates with gray elements!
Gray is definitely not a popular color option when it comes to resume designs, except when it is associated with black and white in a simple and professional CV. Have you ever considered matching gray with green or pink? You will be surprised by the harmonious and original results. Moreover, the large number of shades of gray (probably more than fifty!) allows you to create different impressions. Indeed, darker grays, like iron or charcoal, transmit seriousness and strength, whereas lighter grays, such as silver or platinum, convey calm and balance.
Remember that gray is a hue associated with intelligence: don’t we say gray matter or little gray cells to refer to our brain? Whether you find this shade in the header, sidebars, section titles or decorative components of your CV, you will realize that gray is often the perfect match with a great number of other colors. Take a look for yourself at our 10 outstanding resume templates with gray elements!
1. MELINA: riding the wave

MELINA embodies the perfect combination of the serious gray color and the creative undulating shapes. Indeed, a lighter gray wave serves as a header to highlight your name, job position, and contact information. Another darker gray shape can be seen at the bottom right of the page. Besides, MELINA offers you a 2-column layout with a considerable part on the right side to emphasize your skills: you can describe up to 11 of them in detail. Time for you to surf the wave of success to your next job interview!
2. AZARIAH: the gray eminence

2-page resume templates are not that common. Indeed, it is not easy to find a classy professional option that gives you twice the space to show off your talents. The fancy gray sidebar on the left, which highlights your name vertically written, is definitely the trademark of this AZARIAH template. You will also find the elegant charcoal gray in the section titles, which include the classic profile, education, experience and skills, but also a portfolio to showcase your best works.
3. PTOLEMA: cracking the QR code

PTOLEMA is a gray, black and white template with an original layout. On the left, your name stands out vertically over a white background. Then we have a distinctive full-height gray sidebar that includes contact details, profile and skills. However, the most original feature is the QR code placeholder, that you can link to any website, data, portfolio or info you want. It is on the top left corner, where your ID photo would normally appear. This highly creative feature will definitely grab recruiters’ attention right away!
4. FRANKIE: gray power

FRANKIE is built up with two strong columns: a gray one on the left and a slightly broader white one on the right. The gray part is for you to showcase your skills and interests and most of all, to highlight your name in a classy darker gray square over which stands a rounded shape to insert your photo. On the other hand, the white background allows you to display your profile, education and experience.
5. TOTH: showing off with your portfolio

TOTH offers a classy combination of light gray and Navy blue. This portfolio resume allows you to include photos to support your other achievements. In this layout, you can display them in the blue right column. It is therefore ideal for people who want to show their skills, such as photographers, artists, designers and all the other creative individuals. The main body has a light gray background on which you can clearly feature your education, experience and skills. Don’t be afraid to show off your best work with this portfolio resume template!
6. GEMMAYZE: a few shades of gray

Enjoy the different shades of gray of this clean and elegant CV template. First, you can highlight your name and job title in a gray ribbon with rounded corners. On the other side, you can display your ID photo with a frame of a similar shape. In the white header, you have a vertical gray line separating your contact details and profile. Then, there is a box with a light gray background for experience and education. Finally, in the white left column, you can showcase your skills in a gray bar chart. GEMMAYZE embodies the elegance of gray!
7. EUTHALIA: matching gray and pink

EUTHALIA combines a gradient dark gray background with pink elements, such as a box in the top part for your profile, the skills bar chart or the section titles. This creative and unusual color match will transmit positive feminine values as well as seriousness and strength. The layout includes 2 columns of equal width and a white font for your text. If you want to make a strong impression, choose EUTHALIA. You won’t go unnoticed!
8. HESTIA: green and gray mirror

Just like EUTHALIA, HESTIA offers 2 columns of equal width, but in this case, there is a mirror effect. Indeed, the left column has a white background, black font and green boxes for titles. The right part has a green background, white font and white boxes for titles and the skills bar chart. It means that each part of your resume will receive equal attention from hiring managers. Gray will convey strength and sophistication while green will transmit balance and tranquility.
9. ISOKRATES: gray matter in the header

The full-width gray header banner, united with a two-column layout offers a clear organization for you to display your content into 3 different parts. The header includes your name, job title, objective statement and contact information. The main body on the right side exposes your experience and education. Then, the left-hand sidebar presents your skills (with a 5-point intensity scale) and interests (with icons). The gray tone matches perfectly the bright yellow elements of this modem CV template.
10. STAMATIA: little gray cells

STAMATIA uses a 2-column layout with 5 different parts that are easily distinguishable thanks to the different background colors. The header uses a dark gray hue to highlight your name and job title. Underneath, you can display your photo and your profile over a lighter gray rectangle. The same shade of gray is used for the left sidebar for your skills, interests and references. Finally, the main part stands over a white background to present your education and experience.
We hope you like our selection of the 10 Outstanding Resume Templates with Gray Elements. Your feedback is very important to us. Share with us what is your preferred resume template in this selection.